Are flabby arms causing you embarrassment? Many women complain that they are unable to get rid of flabby arms. It might be difficult but not totally impossible to lose this stubborn fat. Here are some tips to help you out.
1. Increase your heart rate by doing cardiovascular exercises. If you are serious about losing arm fat fast then you have to commit yourself to doing at least 30 to 40 minutes of aerobic exercises at least 5 days a week. There are many types of aerobic exercises and you can choose the ones you like best. Some of the best aerobic
exercises are cycling, swimming and holding dumbbells as you run or hike. These exercises tone up the muscles of the arm. The key is to be consistent while doing the exercises. You cannot expect good results by just doing the exercises for one or two weeks.

3. Doing diamond pushups can be great for toning the triceps. Here is how to do the diamond pushups - form a diamond shape with the thumbs and index fingers of both hands. Then do some pushups with your hands like that. Do as many pushups as you can and then take a rest of up to 1 minute between sets. Aim for doing at least 4 or 5 sets each day.
If you are not used to doing pushups and find it very hard to do so, you can do them while you are on your knees instead of toes. You can notice a lot of tightening up in your triceps if you do this exercise daily. When the muscles of the triceps tighten up, it will reduce the jiggling arm fat.
4. It is very important to watch what you eat if you want to lose arm fat fast. Avoid fattening foods. Say no to junk food, fried food, soda and alcohol. Instead eat foods which are rich in lean protein such as fish, nuts, chicken. Also consume lots of green vegetables and drink plenty of water.
Just exercises are not enough. You have to pay attention to your diet whether you are trying to lose belly fat or arm fat. Remember that the main reason you got excess fat is mainly because of bad eating habits so you have to focus on this aspect a lot. At the same time, you have to keep in mind that the bad eating habits have been with you for many years and they may not easily go off overnight. You have to slowly and consistently work on them.
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For FREE copies of "What is the Best Weight Loss Diet for You", "Diet Ideas" and "Healthy Diet Foods", CLICK HERE
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