Friday, 30 December 2016

A Perfect Strategy to Losing Weight

When it comes to weight loss, we all tend to get all weary and stressed out. Wondering why? Because deep down in our heart and mind there exists this presumption that losing weight is a long and tedious journey. We all have this belief that losing weight is the toughest thing to do, which in reality it is not. All that it needs to get back in shape is a bit of patience, a bigger chunk of perseverance and of course, the perfect strategy.

When it is time for losing weight then all that should matter to you is your own health and safety. There cannot be a deadline in matters involving your personal health. We do know that obesity or over-weight body is detrimental to your body but so is the attempt to shed off the extra fat as quickly as possible. Your best bet is to implement a complete lifestyle change and learn about the ways to lose weight quickly yet safely.

Easy diets are the best way to embark on the journey to weight loss. Diet pills present you another excellent option because these are totally made from natural ingredients and are completely safe. The idea is to bring forth a positive change in the way you eat, live life and work. Majority of people want to lose weight within weeks and thereby go on and start exercising for extended durations. Or, people start following extremely unhealthy diet plans such as no-carb diet and all-fruits diets.

This is not a recommended solution at all and it will pose various, immensely troubling health issues in the long run. Not to forget, these methods never guarantee sustained weight maintenance, but only offer short-term remedy.

On the other hand, if you are taking the entire weight loss plan easy on you, then the process become less tedious and more enjoyable. Because when you are not stressing yourself with instant weight loss goals then your mind is at peace and whatever efforts you employ for losing weight you achieve success. Your whole body gets directed to accomplish the task that is in your mind and you will feel all the way more determined.

Diet pills, healthy and balanced daily diet and appropriate exercising schedule that is not a least bit over exerting for you, would be the perfect strategy to lose weight. Always remember that you need to eliminate those extra pounds from your body to look and feel good for yourself only not for the world. So, you have got to be KIND towards you. Be wise and switch to diet pills that work and a balanced lifestyle modification plan.

Diritto d'autore: <a href=''>jackf / 123RF Archivio Fotografico</a>
Diritto d'autore: <a href=''>corund / 123RF Archivio Fotografico</a>

Thursday, 29 December 2016

Workout And Diet Tips To Start Off Your Weight Loss Journey

Even if your health is not at risk, there is a weight that you consider ideal; there is a way you wish you looked and sometimes it means taking up a workout routine and watching your diet to achieve what your heart desires. The good thing about weight loss is that nothing is impossible to achieve, you just have to set your mind to it and approach your goals in the most sensible way.

When it comes to losing weight, working out alone will not deliver the expected results. It is always best that you combine your workouts with the appropriate diet program so you maximize the results and reach your objectives easily and effectively for that matter. Here are a few top diet and workout tips that can help you begin your weight loss journey on a high.
Tip 1 - Choose the right time to exercise

Exercising is important and you should therefore choose a time of day that you find most suitable. Some recommend working out in the morning to kick start your metabolism, but it is just as rewarding to exercise at any other given time as long as you do it right. For instance, if you exercise in the morning hours, eat small amounts that digest fast so you can refuel your body. If you choose the evenings, then ensure that it is not that close to your bedtime so you do not end up disrupting your sleep.
Tip 2 - Factor in the fluids
Water is quite essential when working out and when you are working on your weight too. Ensure therefore, that you drink enough of it throughout the day. It keeps you hydrated and promotes bodily functions so your every effort with diet and the exercises pay off in the end. You might want to skip on
caffeine, especially before or after exercises because it removes water from the system dehydrating you in the process. It is also important that you be cautious with energy drinks because most are loaded with sugar and caffeine.
Tip 3 - Vary your activities
Developing a fitness plan is very beneficial. When doing so, make sure that you vary the activities to keep your program interesting. It can get boring when you do the same thing day in day out. Keep things fresh by rotating between your favorite activities. Since you know the exact areas that you are targeting with your program, choose the best and exciting ones that will keep you going towards your objectives.
Tip 4 - Choose healthy foods and cook yourself

The best thing about cooking your food yourself is that you know exactly what goes into the meal and you are not taking chances. Bypass the high calorie foods and junk foods that are mouthwatering but end up dragging you back. Go for fresh produce and choose ingredients with care. You also want to cook more than you can eat so you have a healthy meal waiting for you even after you have had a busy day at work that could prompt you to eat fast foods.

Diritto d'autore: <a href=''>yurakp / 123RF Archivio Fotografico</a>
Diritto d'autore: <a href=''>kubais / 123RF Archivio Fotografico</a>
Diritto d'autore: <a href=''>dolgachov / 123RF Archivio Fotografico</a>

9 ways to accomplish your weight loss goals this New Year

As the New Year approaches, myriad individuals start planning to reduce the weight in order to look their best. If you, too, want to get rid of those extra pounds, follow the tips discussed in the subsequent section.
1.       Walk for 45 minutes
Even if you walk at a moderate pace for 45 minutes a day, you can burn around 250-300 calories. When combined with a healthy diet, this practice will help in getting rid of a sufficient amount of weight on a weekly basis.

2.       Chew the food 32 times or more
By chewing the food for 32 times or more, you tend to consume only a reasonable amount. On the other hand, eating quickly will lead to overeating.
3.       Drink Green Tea
Though green tea alone will not result in many major changes, it will surely aid your weight loss program when coupled with other techniques.
4.       Stay happy
When you are stressed out, your body releases a hormone called cortisol. This hormone increases your craving for comfort and energy. As a result, you consume more food than you should. Therefore, you must stay happy for avoiding this situation.
5.       Stare at blue color
It may sound trivial but focusing on blue color reduces your craving for food. That’s the reason various restaurants don’t use blue color in their interiors. On the other hand, staring at red and yellow color will attract you towards food.
6.       Drink water in excess

Consuming water before lunch or other meal may result in reduced intake of calories. Several research reports also claim that consuming water in excess may enhance the calories you burn by a substantial level.
7.       Cut the intake of processed foods
The processed foods have a high quantity of sugar, along with added fats. And by minimizing the processed foods intake, you actually decrease the sugar intake by a significant level. This also ensures that chances of getting a disease like diabetes and cancer are reduced.
8.       Add the protein intake
Protein should be your first priority while planning the nutrients for weight loss program. By consuming a high protein diet, you can give a booster dose to your metabolism.
9.       Go for hypnotherapy
A session of hypnotherapy brings a positive change by altering your behavior. It, basically, helps you get rid of emotions and hindrances that are acting as hurdles in your weight loss goals. It also makes sure that you stay motivated to adopt other methods of weight reduction.

Diritto d'autore: <a href=''>belchonock / 123RF Archivio Fotografico</a>
Diritto d'autore: <a href=''>chrisdorney / 123RF Archivio Fotografico</a>

Wednesday, 28 December 2016

Why You Can't Lose Weight

You can't lose weight even though you're exhausted by diets and exercise? What is it that you are doing wrong?

You are careful about nutrition, you take enough vitamins, lead a healthy life with hours of exercise. But, still, you don't have the body you've always wished for.
Just to feel better - you are not alone. In fact, this problem is quite often. Even though we often blame the genetics and we doubt that the celebrities have secrets about their perfect look, maybe better we should analyze the reasons that cause this phenomenon.
1. You exercise the wrong way
The meaning of the basics - Exercises are supposed to be fun, but if you want to get rid of the fat, you go to the gym. It seems like all of the gym equipment is for men, but it is not true. Some exercise should be kept in the plan no matter how dull they are, like standups and weights exercise.
Cut down the cardio-Most woman think that with cardio exercise they can burn down more calories. That is true. But, they forget that they also take less food. You need weight exercise to burn down the fat.
Dedicate to exercise-On joint train sessions you create friendships, which is great. The bad thing is talking to your friends instead of performing the proper exercises.
2. Your brain thinks you starve yourself
Although we believe that a diet is a good idea, our brain does not agree, but often acts as a victim of starvation, while trying to overcome the strong urge to eat. Studies have shown that people can have psychological consequences of a diet, such as food obsessions and dreams about food. As a result of that, many people return their lost pounds in short term.
3. Diet is a stressful experience
You count your calories, keep your diet journal, you search for healthy meals- and what you get? It's only a few pounds less a month. That's stressful. It seems like you are starving yourself. Counting calories produces stress, which leads to gaining weight. Instead of counting calories, try eating whenever you're hungry and stop eating when you are not. That way you have less chance of gaining weight.
4. Your metabolism works against you
Metabolism is a great thing when you are young, you can eat anything you want and not worry about the consequences. But with age, this significantly changes. When you start the diet, it influences on the metabolism, which can significantly slow down six to seven years after the diet.
5. You listen to your inner voices
There's a reason you're hungry every time you look at a food commercial. The hormone leptin tells the brain how much collected energy is available and reduces the attractiveness of food for those who have a normal amount of energy. Therefore, those who are on a diet and have less energy easily succumb to temptation in front of the images of food.
6. Diet fails in the long run
Surely you sometimes have the impression that you have lost a lot of weight while you were on a diet, but the scale did not confirm it. According to research, even 95 percent of diets fail and most people regain their original weight. It was also found that those who hold a diet are more likely to become obese, primarily because after the diet quickly get fat than muscle.
7. The strength of will is a consumable thing
When you go on a diet, you are determined not to give in to junk food and to hold regular exercise. However, when you are overwhelmed by thoughts of tasty food, you certainly feel envy toward those who can eat what they want and when they want. Therefore, it is relying on willpower hard work for everyone.
8. You don't have a plan

Planning is your greatest ally in the fight against weight. Plan your meals in advance, and days when you eat "forbidden" foods. Knowing what you have for a meal, you will help you in eliminating the temptation. If you do not have healthy options and a plan, you will be tempted to indulge in the things you are trying to avoid. Lack of plan is planning collapse.
9. You don't get enough sleep
If you don't get enough sleep, your body produces hormones that encourage the collection of fat in the body. Studies have shown a link between the amount of sleep that you practice and the number of pounds that you have. A 2004 study at the University of Chicago shows that the dream of most affects the appetite because of the amount of sleep depends on the balance of hormones leptin and ghrelin, which are controllers of appetite. The ideal is to sleep 7-9 hours every night. Easier said than done in our fast- going world, but it's worth the effort!
10. You are dehydrated
Approximately 70% of the human body consists of water. You do not have to be a scientist to understand how important it is to properly hydrate! Water is essential for proper digestion and detoxification - important components of weight loss. Try not to drink water on a daily basis (in liters) approximate amount of 1/5 of your weight. Of course in this calculation insert the consumption of fruits and vegetables.
11. Your hormones aren't balanced
Often hormones can bother to weight loss and it becomes even more difficult than it normally is. High cortisol (hormone of stress) causes increased insulin, which has influence on your appetite-you eat more. Another problem appears when you have dysfunction of the thyroid gland. It can lead to weight gain from a buildup of salt and water in your body. An overactive thyroid is called hyperthyroidism. Many people with it lose weight, but others pick up extra pounds because it can make you feel hungrier. There is, also, a problem when it comes to unbalanced reproductive hormones. That situation can also lead to weight gain and stress.
12. Consuming alcohol
People work hard at the gym, lose weight and gain muscles, but they quickly overturn their efforts by regularly consuming alcohol. Studies have shown that alcohol has a detrimental influence on muscle growth, so all your hard work is negated. Alcohol also contains calories. You can help yourself by making a limit on one to two drinks a few times a week.Or, much better, stop drinking!
13. You are sitting down
Most of us spend our day sitting on our desks at the office. After that you go to the gym and do workouts or exercises that require you to sit down or lay down. When you exercise sitting or lying down, you won't make a significant change in your body structure. Instead, there are many other types of exercise that will give you results more quickly.
14. You skip breakfast

Breakfast is the most important meal of the day. That is the way you get all the energy you need during the start of the day. By skipping it you only make it worse. Starting your day eating does not mean that you eat too much. It means that you make sure that you'll do all your work. Studies have shown that people who have muesli for breakfast usually get hungry much faster than people who eat something salty. So, you need to be careful about what you eat for breakfast. There are so many suggestions for healthy breakfast, all you have to do is just pick up.
15. You eat too much for the weekend
We all know that the weekend is the time when we chill out and slow down with our rules. And it includes our diet. We eat all that is forbidden and swear that we'll get it right first thing on Monday. That is a big mistake. If you have been trying - exercising and eating right all week, don't ruin it for the weekend. You will have to start all over again. Don't throw away all your efforts. But, it does not mean that you don't have to treat yourself. For the weekend take something you like to eat, but don't overdo.
16. You are eating outside and not cooking at home
You are used to go to a restaurant or take home food after work. You should not do that, unless you know that they cook healthy and use healthy products. Assume they're using the worst vegetable oils, heavy amounts of butter and oil, and poor-quality produce.Learn to love your kitchen! That way you will be sure exactly what you eat.
17. You're not eating good fats

"Good" or unsaturated fats are found in nuts, avocado and olive-oil. When you eat them you brain gets the message that you're full. These fats appear to trigger the production of a compound in the small intestine called oleoylethanolamide. It reaches nerve endings that carry messages to the brain to curb hunger, and activates a brain circuit that makes you feel full. Just to make sure you have eaten enough, take a handful of nuts a day or one sixth of an avocado.
Diritto d'autore: <a href=''>golubovy / 123RF Archivio Fotografico</a>
Diritto d'autore: <a href=''>monticello / 123RF Archivio Fotografico</a>

Are You Living The True Weight Loss Lifestyle?

Share this article on FacebookShare this article on TwitterShare this article on Google+Share this article on LinkedinShare this article on StumbleUponShare this article on DeliciousShare this article on DiggShare this article on RedditShare this article on PinterestFor those that are trying to lose weight, they focus on rigorous workout routines and different diets is not their primary focus, but changing their lifestyle entirely. Stop counting calories and start changing your life as a whole.
Do you spend so much time working out at the gym that the receptionist knows you better than your housemates right now? Nonetheless, you have no success at weight loss no matter how hard you try.
Diets that are fads tend not to work out well, even through people tend to get on them frequently each year. Exercising will only make you lead a healthy life Multiple studies have revealed that the key to long-term weight loss is about lifestyle alterations. There are examples of people who have made changes, and then gone on to lose and keep off over 60 pounds of weight. Let's take a look at how they succeeded.

1. Eat the right foods. The topic of calories is actually perfectly straight forward. It comes down to simple math. Eating more calories than what is required leads to increased weight. Still, you do not have to worry about calories if you make smart choices from the get go. Don't eat portions that are too large and start to put lean proteins, vegetables, whole grains, and also fruits into what you eat each day.
2. Reasonable exercise. Nearly 90 percent of people who have lost significant weight changed their lifestyle by incorporating one hour of walking each day. This is what you should know. You do not have to buy fancy equipment or belong to a high-priced gym. Moderation is the key, consistency is the focus.
3. Quality Support System It is far easier to shed fat when you have positive influences around you at all times. If the people you are conversing and eating with have bad eating habits, the likelihood of you going down the same path increases.
4. Develop a good sleeping pattern. If you don't get enough sleep, insulin production will fall. Your brain requires insulin to regulate your appetite. If you don't get enough rest, you will certainly make poor decision as far as food choices are concerned. Insulin regulates your metabolism, so when you get proper sleep you also have the energy to stick to your daily exercise routine.
5. Keeping track of progress. The journal, believe it or not, is one of the most effective weight loss tools. By writing down the foods you eat and how much you worked out, you'll have success. The process of documenting your progress helps you maintains a constant awareness of good and bad habits and is proof in black and white of what is working for you personally and what does not. This journal helps you pinpoint problem areas, such as snacking and eating on the weekends when you hang with people who are not as driven. In most cases, simply keeping consistent records (at least six days out of the week) is enough to increase the total amount of weight lost by as much as one hundred percent. Let your journal serve as a daily reminder of the things you should do and where you want to be in the future.
A change in lifestyle isn't just about losing weight - it's about living longer, happier, and better lives. Understand the efforts to change your lifestyle are worth the effort because once you lose that weight, you will keep it off. This the time you must get realistic with weight loss effort by changing your lifestyle since no other method will give you the required results.

References:'>pixelbliss / 123RF Archivio

Tuesday, 27 December 2016

Exercise Vs Diet For Weight Loss

 When it comes to fat burning, the first thing that we think of is which route to take, do we exercise, or do we go on a diet, or do we do a combination of them both. The traditional advice to burning fat is to eat less and to move more.
There is a ton of things to do to burn fat however we are constrained by our finite resources such as time and money. Weight gain and loss revolve around caloric expenditure and consumption.
Diet Only Route
This is the easiest route because we are going to be eating anyway so we might as well cut out the calories in our meal. For most people cutting out calories is easier than burning them off but what we really want is burn fat and not to lose muscle. When we take the diet only route that is exactly what happens, not only do we burn fat but we also lose muscle as well.
When most people hear the word "diet" they think of grilled chicken and salad only, however this is an extreme diet that you probably won't have to commit yourself to. You might want to try a more balanced diet that includes high fibre and a variety of colours.
The diets with the fastest results are the low carb diets which make them the most popular, but they are difficult to sustain. Unfortunately though, most people on a diet only program tend to gain the lost weight back within two years.
Exercise Only Route
Exercise is an important part of weight loss, without it, part of the weight loss would involve muscle loss and not just fat loss. The problem with an exercise only plan is that you could possibly end up eating more and thus gaining extra unwanted weight. However those who do exercise regularly tend to keep the weight off for longer than those who don't exercise.
Exercising for just twenty minutes can boost your mood for up to 12 hours and can even help treating people with depression. Exercise has many benefits like reduced stress and better sleep at night. The most important benefit of exercise is that it increases the rate at which your body burns fat.
Muscle tends to take up less space than fat so even though you'll gain muscle weight you will defiantly look and feel better.
A Combination of both Exercising and Dieting
This is probably the best route to take.
The great thing about this approach is that dieting and exercising help to complement each other. The general rule is that weight loss should be 75% diet and 25% exercise. The important thing to remember is that dieting initially helps the process of weight loss but exercising helps keep the weight off.
Remember that you can't out exercise a bad diet!

Burn 300+ calories/day playing MMOs! | Standing Desk Video

Well you never see an overweight soldier standing on guard.

Perhaps this is the reason why.

Friday, 23 December 2016

8 Creative Ways to Burn More Fat at Work

Are you trying to set time aside before or after work for fat burning exercise? And how is that working for you? Do you get home and make dinner only to realize that there is just simply no time left in the day for exercise? If I told you could slip extra exercise into your work routine I'm sure you would be interested!

Well here are a couple of tips you can use in order to burn more fat at work:
1. Leave your car at home! - If you live close enough to work, try walking to work or even cycling. In fact, walking is one of the easiest and healthiest ways of burning fat.
2. Stand more - because standing burns off more fat than sitting, try looking for opportunities to stand rather than sitting. You can do this by switching your 'sitting desk' to a 'standing desk', standing while eating your lunch and also walking to other department in your company instead of messaging/calling them.
3. Have a break have a... fitness break! - Instead of hanging out in the lounge with coffee and snacks at the tea/coffee break time, go for a stroll outside or do some stretching. This also improves your diet by cutting out on all the sugar that is usually associated with this break time.
4. Use a fitness ball instead of a chair - this might seem odd but is great way to burn fat, if you can balance, that is. Also you will be building your core muscles which in turn will help in the fat burning process.
5. Keep hand weights at your desk - Do a couple of arm curls in between meetings. You can even mix it up by keeping other exercise equipment such as stretchy cords that provide resistance when you pull on them.
6. Create a lunchtime walking group - this is great exercise for your lunch break, get a few work colleagues together and go for a walk! And on the plus side if you are a very social person you will love this part of your work day while burning fat!
7. Do a couple of 'walking meetings' - Instead of meeting or brainstorming at a desk, if it is practical get up and do it on the go. And besides if it is new ideas you are looking for, then the extra blood flow will definitely help the creativity juices.
8. Get there faster - if you are lucky enough to have a job that involves a lot of walking, then pick up the pace and you will burn more calories.
Well there you go, as long as you aren't wasting any time at work these tips will definitely get you on your weight loss journey. You probably aren't going to replace all your 'after hour exercise' with these tips, but they will definitely make up what you are missing on the odd occasions and can get you past those few extra stubborn pounds.

Breaking the Weight Loss Plateau

One of the most frustrating aspects of weight loss is reaching a weight loss plateau. Thankfully, breaking the weight loss plateau is a relatively simple task once you know what causes it. When we first undertake a weight loss goal we tend to lose a lot of weight initially then the amount slowly declines over a period of weeks or months until we reach the point where we stop losing weight altogether, and it's not that we don't need to lose more weight either. This is referred to as a weight loss plateau. You know you're doing all the right things but you're just not losing the weight. In the first week of your program you tend to lose the largest amount of weight. Much of the weight loss this first week is actually excess fluid and can constitute as much as 9 lb (4 kg) or more depending on your starting weight. Fluid loss can represent as much as 50% of total weight lost in the first week. There are several factors that contribute to a weight loss plateau including (but not limited to); 
·         Insufficient Calories Consumed
  •         Muscle Loss
  •         Weight Loss
  •         Lack Of Discipline
  •         Physical Adaptation
  •         Exercise Ability
  •         Over Exercise
  •         Enhanced Fitness Levels

Lets deal with these one at a time.
Insufficient Calories Consumed The human body requires a MINIMUM of 1200 calories per day to function. If you consume less than that (on a crash diet for example), your body will interpret that as being in a famine and will reduce your metabolism (the bodies ability to burn calories) in order to protect itself and be able to survive for longer. This will

stop it from burning fat stores. Solution: Maintain a reasonable calorie consumption. Use a BMR (Basal Metabolic Rate) calculator to determine how many calories your body requires per day to maintain itself. Once you have determined approximately how many calories your body requires to operate, reduce you calorie consumption to 500-700 calories less than that without going under 1200 calories. More than a 700 calorie deficit may lead to muscle loss which is the next cause of a weight loss plateau.

Muscle Loss All bodily tissue requires energy to maintain itself, including fat. Muscle requires FIVE TIMES the amount of energy to maintain itself than fat does. The higher the muscle percentage in your body the greater your caloric needs. Unfortunately, diets sometimes lead to muscle loss. The bodies primary source of energy is carbohydrates, followed by protein then fat. Your muscles are made of protein so if your body runs out of carbs it may turn to muscle as an energy source if those muscles are no being maintained by exercise. Unfortunately, muscle loss leads to a lower metabolism. Solution: Eat a diet rich in protein and exercise in conjunction with your reduced calorie diet to maintain muscle mass and prevent muscle loss. If necessary, vitamin supplements may be utilized to ensure correct nutrition.
Weight Loss Huh? Isn't losing weight the whole point? Yes it is! But as you lose weight the number of calories your body requires to maintain itself also reduces. As mentioned earlier, even fat needs calories to maintain itself. Solution: As you lose weight, check your BMR regularly to see how many calories your body requires per day and maintain a calorie consumption around 500 calories less than that. But remember, don't consume less than 1200 calories.
Lack Of Discipline After several weeks of a new weight loss program many people tend to lose focus. They start indulging their cravings for unhealthy foods more than they should and they cut corners on exercise, skipping one day under the pretense of exercising twice as much the next day etc. This

decreases the BMR and increases calorie intake which effectively stops weight loss. Solution: Staying motivated during a weight loss program can be a challenge. One of the best ways to overcome this issue is to find a weight loss buddy. Having someone to exercise with and be answerable to can be an effective motivator. Another great motivational tool is a printable weight loss goal setting worksheet. Print it out, fill it out and place it on the fridge, where you will see it regularly and it will remind you of what you are trying to achieve

Physical Adaptation Our bodies adapt themselves to our calorie consumption and physical activity levels. When we begin an exercise regime, our body is required to make several changes to adjust to changing workloads. Our muscles have to rebuild themselves and this requires many calories. But, over time the body finishes adapting and burns less calories for the same activities. Solution: Don't allow you body to adapt. Vary your exercise program by changing the intensity, duration, frequency and type of exercise. If you always do weights then go do some cardio, grab a jump rope and skip for 15 minutes. You can also utilize interval training where you swap and change between different types of exercise for set amounts of time.
Exercise Ability Whenever you do an exercise regularly you become better at it and your body requires less calories to perform it. A trained athlete burns less calories playing their sport than someone who isn't trained in that sport. Solution: Once again, don't allow your body to adapt to a single exercise. Mix it up, if you're always doing weights then go for a run, switch from the treadmill to a rowing machine etc.
Over Exercise If you exercise too much your body adapts and reaches a point where the extra energy consumed in exercise is offset by a DECREASE in the amount of energy

used when not exercising. In other words, when you increase exercise intensity, your body decreases the number of calories consumed during the rest of your day. Solution: Allow yourself recovery time. Take a break for a few days with some low impact exercise like swimming or tai chi. When you return to your normal exercise routine, pull back a little and only increase intensity when needed to maintain weight loss.

Enhanced Fitness Levels As your fitness level increases, your body efficiency increases and requires less calories to operate. Enhanced fitness causes a reduced resting metabolic rate and fewer calories required for normal daily activities. This is partially because your cardio-pulmonary efficiency is increased and your resting heart rate is lower. Solution: Congratulations! You're officially fit and healthy. You can justifiably feel proud of yourself. Concentrate on mixing up your routine to maintain progress and life will just get better and better! Another thing to keep in mind is that weight loss is not the only aspect to increasing your fitness. It is possible to lose inches without losing weight. This is because if you build muscle through resistance training that muscle weighs MORE than fat but requires LESS space. A person who weighs 200 lbs with 25% lean muscle will be smaller than another person of the same height and weight who only has 20% lean muscle. So in summary there are four main things to remember: 
  1. 1 Keep track of your BMR (how many calories per day your body needs to maintain itself).
  2.    Maintain a calorie consumption of 500-700 less than your BMR without going below the 1200 minimum.
  3.    Engage in exercise to prevent muscle loss.
  4.    Mix up your exercise program to prevent your body from adapting.